Director Michael Martin Director Michael Martin

NowThis News

I flew to Los Angeles to Direct a PSA featuring the cast of the West Wing. NowThis News cut the piece together and helped support Let America Vote. I did the directing, camera work, lighting and sound for this video

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Director, Editor Michael Martin Director, Editor Michael Martin

Barnaby Bright

This fall, I had the opportunity to work with the group Barnaby Bright. We made a series of videos while they recorded their new releases at Weights & Measures Sound Lab. We ended up with 6 full videos of the band performing live.

The group just moved home from Brooklyn, New York and are making great music here in the heartland. Keep an eye out for them. They can put an ear worm into a tune that will be stuck in your mind for days.

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Director Michael Martin Director Michael Martin

Missouri Lottery

In the winter of 2015, Barkley was asked to produce a line of online spots to promote their Holiday Scratchers. This campaign was to run online only, but the client fell in love; air time was purchased and these ran on broadcast. Merry Christmas to me!

The campaign was conceived at Barkley and produced by the internal team. I directed all of these spots while enlisting Northpass Media to help with production. I was able to help shape the voice-over in the booth with the talent based on some old Miller Lite spots, I'm sure we all remember. The project allowed me to work with animal talent, prop-masters, site scouts, and some really great gaff work. It was a tight schedule, but we made it happen. I was even able to design some motion for the end tag.

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